deepSEE’s library of eLearning features a wide-selection of D&I topics with robust, in-depth content stemming from our deep subject- matter expertise. Choose from our library of off-the- shelf options or let us customize to your organization’s brand, lingo and needs.
In all deepSEE eLearning courses, learners are challenged to demonstrate comprehension through a dynamic mix of quizzes, branching scenarios, and straight content delivery, all anchored in a vibrant, entertaining, and relevant framework. Each module is interactive, with activities designed to embed comprehension, and structures in place to monitor and manage learner progress and completion.
deepSEE eLearning Examples
While we can create and customize any D&I course for you, below are examples of the courses you’ll find in our off-the-shelf library.
Unconscious Bias
Our Brains on Bias gives learners an awareness of how our unconscious creates all of our perceptions without our knowing and then gives steps to reducing that interference. We also customize this
to specific levels, roles or with Talent Management situations.
Cultural Competence
How effective are you in your interactions across difference? Find out with a 5-stage model that explains so many of our individual and organizational D&I challenges.
Diversity and Inclusion Awareness
Need the basics? This course defines key terms and builds the business case for Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Competence.
Competence Development
As a scenario-based course, this is designed to build competence in individuals but can also be used by leaders together with a trainer guide to create team-based blended learning opportunities.
Micro Inequities
We call them Daily Indignities, those seemingly-minor incidents, often driven by positive intent, that nonethe- less hurt, divide and offend.
Creating Inclusion Environments
Using activities that draw on learners’ individual expe- riences, this course both defines and makes the case for Inclusion. Just as critical, it lays out strategies to create a more inclusive workplace.