We know that any leadership and diversity initiative must have measurable results. deepSEE’s customized solutions are carefully planned with our clients as partners to ensure that any and all work that is engaged will achieve desired outcomes. We design and implement only those solutions that will meet your specific needs.
Case Study: Cultural Competence
Client: PPRM
Locations: Multiple locations in Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S.
Industry: Health Care
Annual Revenue: $29 Million
As a health care organization, PPRM serves a diverse patient base. To provide culturally competent care, they knew they needed to develop both individual and organizational cultural competence.
deepSEE Solution
Using our proven Filter Shift process to develop Cultural Competence, we began first with Executive leadership then Directors and Managers. With each group, we applied our tools and frameworks to their actual situations, challenges or decisions, giving them a chance to both build and apply cultural competence in real-time.
With only nine hours of development work, each group was able to significantly advance their level of cultural competence and increase their effectiveness in both individual interactions and organizational decisions. While that increase in cultural competence is seen and felt throughout the organization in a variety of ways too numerous to list, some of the results from challenges addressed during the actual Filter Shift sessions include:
- Led a more successful and effective merger and acquisition process (in comparison to past M&As and as measured by internal surveys)
- Established culturally competent organizational values
- Created new, more culturally competent outreach and marketing materials to more successfully reach diverse clientele
- Determined core leadership expectations
Case Study: Diversity/UB/Hiring
Despite their best efforts, year after year, a specific annual hiring process resulted in a persistent under representation of diverse hires. The organization clearly stated its support of a diverse workforce and its desire to affirmatively hire. Yet that left those involved in the process with a wide variety of attitudes and perceptions from frustration at the lack of progress on one end to resentment and calls of reverse discrimination on the other.
deepSEE Solution
deepSEE customized content from our standard programs for Cultural Competence and Unconscious Bias in the Hiring Process. Working with the hiring managers, we not only developed their skillsets but also shifted their mindsets about Diversity in hiring.
Client: Minnesota Department of Transportation
Industry: State Transportation
Annual Revenue: $3.42 Billion
Two very important outcomes were reached. First, the number of successful diverse hires increased from 6% to 36%. Second, the perceptions of those involved in the process shifted significantly to one that fully embraced Diversity. In addition, those involved were able to clearly see aspects of their typical hiring process that had not been culturally competent in the past, revise them and see the immediate, positive results
Client: Thomson Reuters
Locations: 93 countries
Employees: 50 K
Annual Revenue: $11.17 B
A high-quality management development program with Diversity and Inclusion woven throughout and with cultural relevance for the global audience. In addition, post-training evaluations showed a shared understanding of and buy-in to the brand and values of the newly-merged organization.
Case Study: Training and Development
With the merger of two large global companies and their two very different cultures the organization had no global management development or program or Diversity and Inclusion training program.
- deepSEE created a scalable, replicable leadership development process that could be used globally throughout the organization
- Instructional Design of a 5-day global management program
- Global roll-out and pilots
- Train-the-trainer process
Case Study: eLearning
Had just begun D&I work yet there wasn’t an awareness of that work or of D&I concepts throughout the organization. Yet, with a remote and distributed workforce, achieving a consistent understanding of D&I posed a difficult task.
Three customized eLearning courses on the topics of
1. Introduction to D&I
2. Cultural Competence
3. Micro-Inequities
Because the courses were fully customized to Redbox, organizational definitions of and values about D&I could be clearly communicated
eLearning was highly interactive to engage a workforce not accustomed to training programs
Client: Redbox/Outerwall
Employees: 1,800
Annual Revenue: $1.85 B